Getting Outside of Myself

Seedpod Birds

Seedpod Birds are handmade in Zimbabwe.

My trip to Nevada City/Grass Valley was inspirational and adventurous. Plus, getting away provided some needed objectivity.


Tagua is a seed from a palm-like tree that grows in the tropical rainforests. It is a versatile material that has the innate ability to absorb color brightlyd

The community continues to expose me to art that triggers my imagination and gives me new insights.  This time I was drawn more to artists from other cultures. That reminded me of my original intention for this BlogForArt website. It was going to be a spotlight for artists who inspire me.

I still like that intention. I pretty much went off track and BoloForArt  became a testing ground or my personal sandbox for playing with and learning WordPress. Now it seems to have become central collecting zone for my art and puzzling thoughts.  I’m feeling greater pressure to clarify What it’s All About and then just get on with some obvious blogging theme. I enjoyed having new art catch my eye but I’m trying to narrow down my expanding horizon.


I feel like there is a way to blend my art desires and my website work together with hopes  that the merging will create something even bigger —something more.  And, I will still feel like I’m in touch or connected to my true self. I want them to work hand-in-hand and not keep picking fights with each other.