How to draw a snail for Snail Mail – revisited

Snail Mail - Save the Snail

Snail Mail – Save the Snail – March 2012

Ok, this could be very boring or at least a very unexpected topic for my blog post. I pressure myself to explain even though I know, for a fact, that only an average of 2 or 3 people ever read this blog in the course of any day. I guess I feel an obligation to address these followers because they click-on-me. I know these minimal figures are correct because all visits are charted and I can easily see how many have come to my blog. I can also see what page was visited. What did they Google to find my site? After over two years people are still interested in How to Draw a Snail or how to Save Snail Mail. I still care about the topic but it was never intended to be the focal point of my blogging.

As I jump back into my daytime job of website/blog design for artists I am trying to put more effort into How to get blog followers.  Isn’t that what the main point of websites and blogs is suppose to be?  Next step –  I need to offer something that will  make them want come back again, and again. Ideally to sign up for my email subscription.

Now, this is all connected to How to draw a snail for Snail Mail. I posted this information on March 29, 2012 and several times per month I see people continue to link to my page for information on how to draw a snail – even if it’s not for snail mail. Check it out!

How to Draw a snail for Snail Mail

Now I realize I should include the instruction sheet.

Ok, now to my point. I’m using this post as a test to see if the title and key words will bring even more unknown visitors to the blog. Not just my two friends that have already signed up.
Another marketing technique  I have come across in my recent research is the popularity of How to information to be found on the Internet. Lots of interest in How to books, Tutorials and instructional videos. Now I also realize these Snail related  posts have survived in the Google searches for so long because they have “How to” in the title.

Hopefully this will encourage me to put together a How to Paint with Coffee tutorial.  You can paint with coffee.